Wednesday, April 4, 2012

trusting in Jesus.

sometimes... life is hard.

my grandma was admitted into the hospital this past weekend for a cancerous tumor
in her brain and brain surgery.
i came home to find out that she only has 9-15 months left to live... what?
wasn't expecting that.

so obviously, i've been an emotional wreck...
i want my grandma at my graduation.
at my wedding.
at my college graduation.
the list goes on.
surrendering those wants to Jesus has, up to this point, been one of the most difficult and painful things i've ever had to do.
but i realize that giving the Lord my dreams and desires especially when it
hurts is most often the times that He is most glorified.

Jesus has been teaching me so much about putting my trust in Him.
and i constantly have to ask Him to increase my faith.
but He is so patient and gracious with me, and His mercies are new every morning.

all that to say, yesterday, when they took some more tests, they weren't able to find cancer anywhere in her body.
the doctor was shocked.
and we are so thankful.

they are going to take some more tests to test again for cancer, but if those come back clear than it looks like the Lord healed her.
thank you Jesus for miracles.

thank YOU if you have prayed! the power of prayer is so beautiful.

'tis so sweet to trust in Jesus...

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