Saturday, September 8, 2012

sweet rest.

this life is anything but easy.

things don't go as planned... feelings get hurt... there's always busyness...
the list goes on and on.

but through looking at my life, which would be called nothing other than crazy and messy, i realize that it makes me long for Jesus more.
i want to just sit in his presence, like mary did, among the mess and chaos of daily life, knowing that everything else fails to satisfy in comparison.

i'm so thankful for sweet promises from Jesus... but the best thing about his promises is that they are never, ever, ever broken.

one of my favorites is matthew 11:28.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

i have a feeling that mary knew this promise very well... that she already knew the outcome when Jesus called her to sit at his feet and listen... that she knew the heart of her Savior, and knew that it was good.

"I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."
-psalm 81:10

Jesus willingly satisfies. but he doesn't force it upon us... it is a relationship.
a beautiful relationship where Jesus speaks and we respond, where he calls and we follow.

sometimes, it's hard for me to put down my pride and admit that i'm exhausted and hungry and i need Jesus. but i can't help but remember that the heart of our Lord is good. that he has good planned for us.

so today, i'm thankful that life is a mess, i'm exhausted, my heart is hungry, and things haven't gone as planned.

because then...
that is when Jesus calls.

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