Saturday, August 25, 2012


oh my, it has been way too long...
life gets crazy.

since i went to mozambique, africa between my last post and now, i thought i'd share
a little bit about that:

on july 13th, i hopped on a plane for 22 hours, rode a bus for 14 hours, and three days later, arrived at this little village called tchale, in the bush of mozambique.
little did i know how much that trip would impact my life forever...
i remember being on the plane, sooo nervous and anxious and scared, and journaling/praying/begging that this wouldn't be something that i would just allow to rush by.
but that it would be an adventure. 

the people in the village of tchale are so full of curiosity, {we had a crowd of beautiful little 
children peeking into our campsite not even ten minutes after arriving} which is something that i believe the Lord is using to draw them to himself... throughout the trip, the Lord was so faithful 
and constant in revealing to me just how big his heart is for the nations, and how he desires all to 
come to him. 
he is such a good shepherd. 

every day, we would have children's ministry, along with men's/women's ministry, and i was able to 
hold this sweet, beautiful, little girl who was blind, but had the most beautiful smile and laugh i have 
ever seen and heard in my life. 
Jesus is drawing them all to him. 
it's such a sweet thing. 

we had the opportunity to build a well and start building a church, which is something that is 
tangible, and can always be looked back on as a picture of the Lord's faithfulness. 
Jesus did so much through so many aspects of that trip... there's too much to write.
i'd love to tell you more about it though!  

i'm so thankful for that opportunity. i needed africa more than africa needed me. 

God is good. 
his love is sweet. 
the harvest is here. 
it was an adventure.